Getting a college degree online can be a great alternative to traditional universities. However, when you aren’t actually going to classes, and in some cases don’t even visit the campus, it becomes that much more important to find the right school.
They need to have high credibility, seek candidates with notable qualifications, and provide a solid program in the field you intend to study. Nursing can be a great career with a job market begging to be filled. Here’s a look at Online U’s 2015 top 5 online nursing programs. Note that, NCLEX is the national standardized exam given to potential nurses following completion of an accredited nursing program to ensure graduates are prepared to enter the field.
Duke University
Annual Tuition: $31,360
NCLEX Pass Rate: 98.4%
Duke University School Of Nursing has been working for over 20 years to improve their online learning courses. Among the dozens of different tracts Duke offers through their online and distance programs are Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), Master of Science in Nursing (MSN), and advanced practice registered nursing (APRN). Distance programs are largely, but not completely, online, while online-only programs are intended for online-only classes, potentially with a few days of orientation at the beginning.
Georgetown University
Annual Tuition: $40,238
NCLEX Pass Rate: 99.2%
Georgetown University, in general, came in at #20 on the 2018 US News and World Reports College and University Ranking. The online nursing program offers four distinct tracts: Adult Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner, Family Nurse Practitioner, Nurse-Midwifery/Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner, and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner Program. Each is designed so that anyone interested in a particular section of nursing is able to get properly educated, no matter which part of the country they come from.
Northeastern University
Annual Tuition: $15,120
NCLEX Pass Rate: 97.6%
Northeastern University offers both three and six-semester programs. Of their four program options, they offer an RN to BSN program (registered nurse to bachelor of science in nursing), which can allow already registered nurses an opportunity to get better salaries and job options. Northeastern Universit states their program uses a “preceptor clinical model that emphasizes clinical competency while preparing the students for leadership and advancement.”
University of Florida
Annual Tuition: $16,580
NCLEX Pass Rate: 91.1%
Similarly, the University of Florida’s online nursing program also offers an RN to BSN program plan. It’s designed specifically for working registered nurses who are looking to inflate get a better position with a higher income. Unfortunately, at the present, they only accept students with an RN license from Florida, which can make the ease of online access less exciting for out-of-state students who fall in love with the program outline.
Clarkson College
Annual Tuition: $20,028
NCLEX Pass Rate: 91.8%
Clarkson College was originally a nursing-only college, which means their nursing programs still hold a big piece of their academic heart. With more than ten program alternatives, Clarkson can be a great option for a lot of different educational and professional levels. Even better, Clarkson intends their program for students who are already working or have a family to raise. In addition to clinical practice, Clarkson "offers in-depth knowledge in leadership, healthcare systems design and evaluation, and emphasizes evidence-based practice and applied research."