A child attends school in a school uniform

Best Places to Shop for School Uniforms

Just like with anything else, it’s important to shop around before you settle on your child’s school uniforms. But where do you start? Try some of these tips on for size.

You can’t go wrong with the classics.

There are many stores that have marketing plans designed to meet the needs of those shopping for uniforms. Here’s what they don’t tell you: the majority of the population won’t get behind restrictive dress codes, so stores are forced to sell the uniforms they have at ridiculously low prices. The following stores have name brand clothes for clearance prices:

  • Gap

  • Old Navy

  • JC Penney

  • Walmart

  • Target

  • Kohl’s

  • Sears

Buy online.

One of the pinnacles of modern society is that we can compare prices for just about anything while we sit on the couch in pajamas. You can also create saved searches on websites so you can find out exactly when the price of that perfect purple polo drops. And if you go to a website like eBay, you can often find several items of clothing in the same size. You can buy in bulk and you get to choose the best price.

Try thrift stores.

You can often find some great stuff at prices that are more than reasonable. When I go into secondhand stores, I typically see a huge variety of dress clothes, many of which would fall under the guidelines of school uniforms. There are many consignment shops that sell nice clothes at low prices. As long as you don’t mind clothes that were once loved by someone else, you’ll find some great deals. Also, once again, the 21st century has made it possible to buy pants without even wearing any with specific websites such as

Last Updated: August 27, 2015