Finding the right school to kick your career into gear can be a difficult challenge. Which school is going to be good enough, and which school is the best fit for you? If you’re struggling to figure out which hospitality management school you should go to, then we can help you out. These schools are among the top-rated schools with bachelor’s and master’s degrees in hospitality management available.
Cornell University, School of Hotel Administration
A member of the Ivy League and a consistently top-ranked university, Cornell is a reputable place to go for any major. If you’re looking to go into hotel administration and prefer the Ivy League, this may be the place for you. The school offers a bachelor’s of science in hotel administration and a master of management in hospitality (MMH). It also offers an undergraduate minor and graduate-level program in real estate, in case you want to work in the hotel industry at the real estate level. This school focuses on hands-on experience and boasts of a high-caliber alumni base of executives and entrepreneurs in the hotel industry.
George Washington University, School of Business Concentration in Tourism and Hospitality Management
While the George Washington University School of Business does not offer an undergraduate program in hospitality management, their top-ranked MBA program offers a concentration in tourism and hospitality management. This graduate-level concentration focuses on ecological and cultural aspects of the tourism industry and teaches students how to manage the issues surrounding the tourism industry while preparing them for entrepreneurial careers in the future.
Michigan State University, School of Hospitality Business
Michigan State, an icon in the Midwest, is the alma mater to thousands of leaders in the hospitality industry. The school of Hospitality Business has been around since 1927, and has a long-standing ethical tradition of focusing on fostering relationships and building connectivity. The school offers undergraduate concentrations in Business, Hospitality, and Integrative Studies, and every student is required to have two paid internships before graduation. At the graduate level, students have a range of concentrations and options to integrate a hospitality degree with an MBA.
University of Nevada at Las Vegas, School of Hotel Administration
In one of the biggest tourist cities in America, the UNLV School of Hotel Administration offers students some of the best training in one of the best hotel job markets. At the undergraduate level, UNLV offers concentrations in gaming management, meetings and events, restaurant management, and professional golf management. Additionally, many students in the graduate program of hotel administration earn a dual-degree in business administration or management information systems.