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Top 10 Websites for Learning to Code for Free

Knowing how to do a little coding can go a long way nowadays. Coding is a valuable skill, and you don’t have to spend a ton of money to learn how to do it. Today, several websites teach you how to code in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more—at no charge. Here are 10 sites that teach you to code absolutely free.

  1. Code Academy
    This reputable site is the first stop for most people who want to learn to code. Code Academy takes cues from familiar websites, such as Facebook and Zynga, to create a unique educational experience. Code Academy covers HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Python, and more. 
  2. MIT Open Courseware
    Many people don’t know that MIT offers many of its classes online for free. This deal might sound too good to be true, but it isn’t. Using MIT’s open courseware, you can learn JavaScript, Python, C++, and much more. Whether you’re looking for undergraduate or graduate level classes, MIT has it all. 
  3. CodinGame
    Learning how to code has never been more fun. At CodinGame, you can learn more than 20 different programming languages while playing games. CodinGame uses a turn-based style in single player or multiplayer mode to solve puzzles, race, and more. When you join, the site gives you a step-by-step guide on how to play and how to code at the same time. 
  4. Khan Academy
    Khan Academy has become a well-known website that allows you to learn almost any subject at any level. Recently, the company has gotten into teaching computer programming. Khan Academy teaches you HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more using games, visualizations, and simulations. 
  5. HTML5 Rocks
    If your dream has been to learn HTML, look no further. HTML5 Rocks is a Google project where Google pro contributors bring you all the knowledge they have to teach you computer programming. This website is perfect for those who already have a bit of knowledge in HTML, as some of the lessons tend to be at a higher level. 
  6. FightCode
    FightCode is another game where you can learn to code in a fun environment. In this game, your goal is to create a robot that defeats any machine it comes across. Play in multiplayer mode and pit your bot against real live people while learning to code. FightCode teaches you how to make a robot and how to be a successful coder. 
  7. Screeps
    For those who love massively multiplayer online (MMO) games, Screeps is the website for you. This MMO game teaches you JavaScipt in a way like never before. Screeps is an open-world strategy game where you control creeps, or little robots, which complete the various tasks you assign. The bots mine resources, establish territories, and more. To control your creeps, you have to learn JavaScript. Talk about fun! 
  8. is directed more toward children than it is adults, but that doesn’t mean adults can’t enjoy some of the games. The website has several games you can play, such as Star Wars, Minecraft, and Frozen. Each game takes about an hour to play and teaches various computing languages. 
  9. Coursera
    Coursera was founded in 2012 and immediately began adding programming classes from around the world. Classes on Coursera come from different colleges, such as Duke, University of Michigan, Johns Hopkins, and the University of Toronto. Languages vary based on what’s available, but the site offers courses in programming for Androids, Raspberry Pi, and more than you can imagine. 
  10. EdX
    EdX is another website that pulls courses from universities around the world. Classes can come from places such as MIT, Harvard, Berkeley, the University of British Columbia, and the University of Queensland in Australia. No matter what language you’re interested in, edX helps you find a course that is engaging and gives you the knowledge you want. 
Last Updated: November 19, 2021