Worst Colleges in America by State


New Jersey has some really great options, especially since the state is so close to some of the top schools in the nation. But the worst? That goes to Bloomfield, but it is better than some on this list. Bloomfield College has a 31.9% graduation rate.

New Jersey – Bloomfield College

The median salary is $38,200, which graduates use to pay their debt of $26,044. Still, some have trouble, which causes a 14.5% default rate on loans despite 92% finding employment.  


Did you know...

  • Teaching is a hard job, and when compared to other industrialized nations, American teacher pay is middle-of-the-pack. Maybe that’s what explains a University of Pennsylvania study that found a third of teachers quit the profession within the first 3 years. When you extend the time frame to five years, 46% leave.
  • Finland has some of the highest performing schools in the world. They often lead world rankings in education. Even so, primary school isn't compulsory until the age of seven. There are no national tests, no rankings, no inspections, and very few private schools. Finish students also report some of the highest satisfaction levels and lowest anxiety levels.
  • Where are the most-learned people in America? According to a 2019 WalletHub study, the most educated city in America was Ann Arbor, Michigan. The San Jose and Washington, D.C. metro areas followed closely behind. The least educated city, according to the study, was Visalia, California—in between Fresno and Bakersfield.
  • Among industrialized countries, French students are at school the least! A normal school week is 4.5 days, compared to 5 on average. It's common to take a mid-week break by having Wednesdays off. Typically, they are in school 162 days a year, compared to 185 on average for everyone else.
  • The City Montessori School in Lucknow, India, is the school with the largest student body. It has a whopping enrollment of over 55,500 students. Students in China, meanwhile, spend an average of three hours a night on primary and secondary school homework. Head north to Finland and students have on average only three hours of homework a week!