Worst Colleges in America by State


Black Hills State University pretty expensive, costing in-state students $18,723 annually. The university also has a low graduation rate of 33.2%. Of those students, only 13% actually graduate on time. 

South Dakota – Black Hills State University

Average student loans at Black Hills State sits at $26,672, but the median six-year salary is $35,900. Unfortunately, 9.3% still default on that debt. This university has one thing going for it, however, and that's the employment rate two years after graduation. It can boast a 93% employment rate.


Did you know...

  • Teaching is a hard job, and when compared to other industrialized nations, American teacher pay is middle-of-the-pack. Maybe that’s what explains a University of Pennsylvania study that found a third of teachers quit the profession within the first 3 years. When you extend the time frame to five years, 46% leave.
  • Finland has some of the highest performing schools in the world. They often lead world rankings in education. Even so, primary school isn't compulsory until the age of seven. There are no national tests, no rankings, no inspections, and very few private schools. Finish students also report some of the highest satisfaction levels and lowest anxiety levels.
  • Competition among the country's top universities is so fierce that they are forced to turn away high-performing prospective students. Harvard and Stanford, for instance, turned away a full half of their applicants who scored a perfect 1600 on the SAT. You don't have to worry about them, though. They got in elsewhere.
  • The oldest continually operating higher ed institution in the world is the University of al-Qarawiyyin. It was established in Fez, Morocco, in the year 859. That makes it over 1,160 years old! It was founded by a woman, Fatima al-Fihri, and became one of the leading spiritual and educational centers in the Muslim world. It joined the modern Morocco university system in 1963.
  • Among industrialized countries, French students are at school the least! A normal school week is 4.5 days, compared to 5 on average. It's common to take a mid-week break by having Wednesdays off. Typically, they are in school 162 days a year, compared to 185 on average for everyone else.