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10 Worst Teachers in Fictional History

Agatha Trunchbull — "Matilda"

Agatha Trunchbull — "Matilda"

Miss Trunchbull, the headmistress of Crunchem Hall Elementary School in Matilda, is harsh, cruel, and really (really) ugly. She's depicted as a brawny woman who’s bloodthirsty for children's fear. Some of her worst crimes include swinging and throwing a student by her pigtails, berating an innocent teacher, forcing an overweight student to eat an entire chocolate cake in one sitting while everyone watched, and locking children up in the “Chokey” (a coffin lined with pointy weapons).

(Image via Tom Tom)

Mr. Cyr — "Parenthood"

Mr. Cyr — "Parenthood"

He may be cute, but he’s pretty brutal. This young english teacher was the first to inspire and encourage his student Amber Holt. She never felt comfortable in school, until his class, and was obviously smitten. Then, Mr. Mark Cyr entered a romantic relationship with Amber’s mother — who is 12 years older than he is — completely crushing Amber’s will to succeed in school. How heartless.

(Image via Celene Hamilton)

Dolores Jane Umbridge — "Harry Potter"

Dolores Jane Umbridge — "Harry Potter"

Not only does she look creepy, she does some pretty creepy things to make this list. Professor Umbridge sends dementors to kill Harry, gets Dumbledore fired for pretty much no reason, favors Slytherins, whips students, and attacks Hagrid and McGonagall. But worst of all, this teacher forces her least favorite students to use a quill that carves into students’ skin whatever words they write on paper. EVIL!

(Image via borrealbook)

Dean Edward R. Rooney — "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

Dean Edward R. Rooney — "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"

Along with a boring economics teacher, the students of Ferris Bueller’s high school had to deal with this guy. Mr. Rooney hates Bueller, so when he hears that the student is out sick, he takes it upon himself to make sure that’s absolutely true. While doing this, Mr. Rooney manages to break into the Bueller home! He gets what he deserves with several kicks in the face from Ferris’s sister, but that doesn’t change what a terrible teacher he is. 

(Image via Wikipedia)

Elizabeth Halsey — "Bad Teacher"

Elizabeth Halsey — "Bad Teacher"

No matter what the teens say, a teacher who smokes weed, drinks, and yells profanities at her students cannot be a good teacher. Ms. Halsey is so incapable of teaching her students well that she steals the answers to their standardized test — and she only did it for a teacher’s bonus. 

(Image via Shay Riker)

Principal Richard "Dick" Vernon — "The Breakfast Club"

Principal Richard "Dick" Vernon — "The Breakfast Club"

Sure, maybe Bender was asking for it when he made a ton of jokes about Vernon, but isn’t two months of detention a little extensive? This abysmal man also locks a student in a closet for hours on end and assigns the detention students a writing assignment. Maybe if “Dick” wasn’t so mean, he wouldn’t have to deal with kids who hate him.

(Image via Professor Wagstaff)

Mr. Woodcock — "Mr. Woodcock"

Mr. Woodcock — "Mr. Woodcock"

This gym teacher is every students' nightmare. One of his former students, Sean Wilson, grew up to be the author of a very successful self-help book. When this student comes home to see Mr. Woodcock dating his mother, all hell breaks loose. Not only does Sean have the right to hate him from his time in school, but Woodcock is condescending and brutal in his own home. What a complete jerk of a teacher. 

(Image via Showcase Cinemas US)

Coach Sylvester — "Glee"

Coach Sylvester — "Glee"

Sue Sylvester wears a tracksuit and a mean RBF, and carries a megaphone to yell at anyone and everyone she wants to. She coaches the cheerleading squad, and is eventually made the school’s principal. This woman has a vendetta against the glee club and continuously does anything she can to bring it down — for a cheerleading coach, she doesn’t have much school spirit. What she lacks in pep, she makes up for in sheer evilness. 

(Image via gleeonpictures)

Mr. Herbert Garrison — "South Park"

Mr. Herbert Garrison — "South Park"

Herbert hits on his student, main character Cartman. He also has a creepy, alter-ego puppet that is supposed to be a teaching tool — but it’s more rightly an element of psychological distress. This teacher is pervy and creepy and one of the worst of all time.  

(Image via Matt Pop)

Edna Krabappel — "The Simpsons"

Edna Krabappel — "The Simpsons"

This fourth grade teacher is interesting to say the least. She's a grouchy, frustrated public school teacher who no longer has any desire to help society. She smokes like a chimney during school hours, gets drunk while teaching, and is seen by students hooking up with the principal. This love-hungry, cigarette junkie of a teacher is a terrible influence on students. 

(Image via Julie Madd)

Runner Up: Kitty Farmer — "Donnie Darko"

Runner Up: Kitty Farmer — "Donnie Darko"

This woman is impossible. Not only is she a teacher, but also a student-mother of a girl on the dance team. This psycho teacher-mom conducts a class where she explains a spectrum of right and wrong that has no arguable gray area. Crazy Kitty petitions the board to burn any books that have any hint of violence in them, and blindly follows the teachings of a pedophilic child pornographer Jim Cunningham who makes motivational videos for kids conveying love and fear are what drive all human actions. What a nut. 

(Image via kira little)