Jar of change sitting next to massage therapy towels and candles to assist with massage therapy school tuition

Finding Financial Aid for Massage Therapy School

There are several options and sources for financial aid when considering entrance into Massage Therapy School. When seeking these sources, the main factor is the school accreditation. Accreditation gives the school the validity necessary to participate in a wider range of funding options for the students. When a school is accredited, some Federal loans may be available to students to assist with tuition, as well as any materials necessary while attending. It is best to seek these funds through the schools financial aid office if they have one. If they do not, the admissions personnel should be able to steer you in the right direction concerning financial aid.

Federal loans are income-based and generally have lower interest rates than private loans. If you have little or no income, they are also easier to acquire than private loans. They will require that you fill out an application, and provide your current income from your last tax return information. If you are still living at home with your parents, and listed as their dependent, it will be necessary for them to fill out the required information, as the loans will be based on their income and not yours.

Federal Pell grants are also available for massage therapy tuition assistance, to those who have low or no income. If you are eligible for grants, there is no requirement of repayment, but the funds must be used for school and school expenses. Another grant worth pursuing is the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant (SEOG). This grant is based on financial need for those who with little to no income and other means to continue their education. For information on other available grants, you should visit with your school’s admissions counselor.

Scholarships can also help you pay for massage therapy school. Many massage therapy schools have sources for these scholarships, and others can be found online. When searching for scholarships, use keywords that indicate they are for massage therapy schools. You will then be able to find scholarships directed specifically toward massage therapy schools.

There are many sources of financial aid to help you finance your dream of becoming a massage therapist. Finding the financial aid that best fits your need will take a little time and effort, but the payoff can be worth it. Start your search at the school you wish to attend, and begin your journey into massage therapy.

Last Updated: April 22, 2015