First Day Introductions for Introverts

Speaking in front of a whole classroom of peers is a hobby for a brave few. But for introverts, it makes the first day of school the worst day of school. And don’t skip, because tomorrow the teacher will have you go anyway, and you’ll be the only one.
Image via Regi
Teachers Who Actually Teach on the First Day

The first day of school is syllabus day, right? Wrong! Getting one of those horrible teachers who gives out assignments the first day of school is a punishment undeserved by mankind. Our sincerest condolences to those who suffer through first-day homework this year.
Image via Yik Yak
Having to Do PowerPoints

PowerPoints are the bane of every student’s existence. What’s worse than that is that they’re so easy to forget, and they’re not exactly a “slap together” kind of assignment. Your best bet: pretend to look for it until your teacher gives up. Hope for the best.
Image via Instagram.
Doing “Team” Projects Alone

Every time there’s a “team” project, you’re going to be stuck doing it all. No one wants to do the project, but that doesn’t mean you want to. When it comes to putting the final touches, your name is going to be all over it, so your teacher knows who put in the real work.
Image via Pinterest.
Dealing with Dress Codes

All summer, your shoulders enjoyed freedom. They found out what it was like to have fresh air and felt the sun. Now that it’s time for school, you have to hide them like they’re contraband. What are shoulders?! They’re going to distract all the boys.
Image via Pinterest.
Not Being Able to Focus on School-Related Things

After months of having slim to no responsibilities, it can be crazy difficult to get back in the swing of getting stuff done. Homework and studying simply aren’t as easy as Netflix and Twitter. You feel me?
Image via Tweet Like A Girl
Confronting People You Avoided All Summer

You know these people; the ex-boyfriend or ex-girlfriend, that one guy who thinks you’re the “same person,” that kid you sat by once who thinks you’re best friends now… the list is endless. Truth is, we’ve all avoided people over the summer, and it's an insult to our reclusive skills to have to confront them again just because someone invented learning.
Image via Typical Girl
Being Late and Looking for a Seat

If you’re not first, you’re last. Walking into your class after other people on the first day of school means there are only going to be scattered seats and few options. Unless you’re one of the few front-row students, get to class early. (Don’t even mention assigned seating…)
Image via pink-natural
Keeping Your Snapchat Streaks Going in Class

Snapchatting in the summer is laid back and fun, but Snapchatting in class is an incognito, super-spy mission. As a student, you have to be super careful not to let the teacher catch you taking a selfie. So, hold your phone under the desk with the front camera still peeking out, and keep looking straight forward. We know, the angle isn’t beautiful, but you HAVE to keep that streak, right?
Image via Typical Girl
Getting Up Early

Let’s face it, there’s nothing worse than realizing your days of sleeping in have come to an abysmal end. School starting means rolling out of your warm bed into the cold, cruel world before the sun even comes up—and that's enough to kill anyone’s vibe.
Image via Gavin Reactions
When You Don't Have a Free Period

Sometimes all your friends have free periods when you have class, and that’s heartbreaking. Seeing people lazing around when you have to pay attention is daunting and distracting. Just remember, you’re working harder than them, and you’re better for it.
Image via i feel like
That One Kid Who's Way Too Into It

The guy who was born to go to school. Yeah, not me. Having someone around who’s overly excited about the first day of school can do one of two things to your mood: One, you can feel encouraged and energized by their spirit, or two (and most commonly), you can become even more peeved about school starting than you were before they showed up.
Image via Jocelyn Sanchez
Getting Your Name Called... and it's Wrong
Fighting the First Day

You tell yourself that the first day will just be the syllabus, so you don’t really need to go. Yeah, if only your parents believed that. They’ll have to drag our bodies out of the car if they want us to go in.
Image via Twitter.
When Someone Won’t Shut Up

It’s already day one, but there’s that one student that won’t shut up. They just keep talking, and talking, and talking, and talking. Everyone in class also knows that they’ll keep class late talking about something. Lord, help me.
Image via Know Your Meme.
It’s already day one, but there’s that one student that won’t shut up. They just keep talking, and talking, and talking, and talking. Everyone in class also knows that they’ll keep class late talking about something. Lort, help me.
Image via Know Your Meme.
When Teachers Make Jokes

The joke wasn’t funny in the least bit, but you know about two months in that they’re going to remember how hard you laughed. Maybe that’ll result in a couple of extra points on your test. We’re playing the long game.
Image via Pinterest.
Trying to Fix Your Sleeping Schedule

Summer sleeping schedules hardly matter! Stay up till 4 a.m. and sleep until noon, or even become nocturnal. We all know we need to sleep on school nights, but after three months of such random resting hours, trying to fix your sleeping schedule is almost impossible. Don’t worry; in a few months, you might have improved.
Image via Caveman Spongebob
Barely Showing Up

Listen, there’s a lot of things that happen in the morning, but you made it. You made it to class before the bell rang. You’re sleep-deprived and not ready for anything, but your butt is in that seat. That’s all that matters in the end.
Image via Pinterest.
Not Sitting Next to Friends

A new year means new seating assignments. You can try and act like you don’t know your friend so you two sit together, but it won’t work. Your teacher somehow senses it and sits you across the room. That’s the way the year is going to go.
Image via Imgur.
Doing Your Homework Half Asleep

Is there ever a point in school where your sleep schedule returns to normal? Nah, but you have homework to do. That means most of it is done when you’re half asleep. Regardless, done is done. Turn that sucker in.
Image via Pinterest.
First Day of School vs Rest of the Year

The first day means first impressions. Straightened or curled hair, makeup on point, eyebrows perfect. Then again, after the first day, you realize that you can save about 45 minutes or more of your time in the morning by not doing all that. We’re sleeping in.
Image via Imgur.
First day means first impressions. Straightened or curled hair, makeup on point, eyebrows perfect. Then again, after the first day, you realize that you can save about 45 minutes or more of your time in the morning by not doing all that. We’re sleeping in.
Image via Imgur.
Looking at the Syllabus

So, the teacher is expecting to read 33 books by the end of the year? Are they joking or are they for real? Surely, they don’t know that we all have six other classes. It must be a typo – nope, not a typo. This is gonna be a great year.
Image via Pinterest.
Getting Homework on the First Day

Teachers that teach on the first day is bad but getting homework on the first day is even worse. Why would they do such a thing? Summers over and now this? It’s just going down from here.
Image via Pinterest.
Seeing Back to School Commercials

The summer is already over, and that breaks your heart. We understand. If you’re like us, you looked back on your time and realized how much you wasted. Should have slept more.
Image via Pinterest.
When Your Teacher Asks About Summer Reading

Who does summer reading? We were busy doing other stuff like actually enjoying life. That didn’t include reading most of the year is spent reading. Naturally, no one raises their hand when the teacher asks.
Image via Know Your Meme.
Going Outside for the First Time

Are you the type to spend all summer inside? Playing games, sleeping, and reading were your favorite past times, and when you finally walk out of your room…well, it feels like you’re a naked mole rat that’s come out of hiding.
Image via Pinterest.